Have the 2017 Construction Trends Come True Yet?

Early in 2017, there were many trends and outlooks predicted for the construction industry. With only a few months left in the year, how do you think the outlook measures up to what is occurring? As a Florida contractor licensing company, we wanted to share with you some of these outlooks and trends that were noted to occur in 2017. Take note if you’ve seen any of these in action or developing, or not. Some of these trends may even crossover into 2018.  According to constructiondive.com, they identified the following as trends and outlooks for 2017:

Economists predicted there to be a 5 percent growth in construction.

  • Collaborative team projects will become more commonplace.
  • There will still be a labor shortage. The number of workers in the industry dropped significantly since 2006 and it has yet to turn around.
  • It is unknown what will happen with regulations, taxes, labor policy, and more under the new Trump administration.
  • Offsite/modular/prefab construction will continue to grow.
  • Increase in infrastructure spending.
  • The cost of doing business in the construction world will rise because of material and labor costs.
  • More companies will use virtua reality technology to help detect errors early on in the project.
  • Sustainable and green building methods will continue to grow.

How do these trends and predictions stack up? Have you experienced any of this at your job?

Do you want to enter the construction industry? The field is continuing to grow each year. If you want to get your Florida contractor’s license, we can help you! We know exactly what is needed to complete and apply successfully. We will get you licensed fast, and you won’t have to stress about a thing. We will work with you every step of the way. We also help clients get contractor’s licenses from different states. To get started on your Florida contractor’s license today, click here or call us as 239-777-1028.

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